Title: A Million Miles Away
MPA Rating: PG
Director: Alejandra Márquez Abella
Starring: Michael Pena, Rosa Salazar, Julio Cesar Cedillo
Runtime: 2 hrs 1 min

What It Is: Jose (Pena) grew up with his head literally in the clouds. His dream was to go to space. Growing up as a child of migrant workers who traveled between Mexico and California the odds were not in his favor. But as one does he learned. He learned what it would take to become an astronaut. With the love and help of his wife Adela (Salazar) he will ascend to heights that a migrant worker can only hope to achieve.

What We Think: As the child of an immigrant who did (and still does) have their eyes on something bigger this resonated so highly with me. There are various moments in this where I wept. Whether that was with pride or with a different emotion this was something that really caught me. Its a fantastic film. If you don’t leave this feeling like you too can go to space or do whatever it is you can dream. Michael Pena is phenomenal. He truly embodies the character and it feels right to have him here. I love Rosa Salazar acting as the engine for everything Jose does. It’s a familiar story at it’s base but it is nonetheless one beautifully put together.

Our Grade: B+, Man. Sometimes a film just hits me right. This is one of those times. Clearly this is a film that I am the demographic for and thus it worked well for me. The thing is a film has to do more than simply placate to me in order to work. This is why I’m so thankful for director Alejandra Márquez Abella. She is such a brillant presence behind the camera. It’s clear she wanted to tell this story and tell it right. Tell it right she does and she’s the all-star reason this works so well. When you couple a director with an incredible eye with great actors in the leads and a wonderfully written script this is your results.

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