Title: The Man From Toronto
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Patrick Hughes
Starring: Kevin Hart, Woody Harrelson, Jasmine Mathews
Runtime: 1 hr 50 mins

What It Is: Teddy (Hart) is a failure in every sense of the word. He’s tried to invent several different workout routines all to no avail. When he plans a romantic weekend for his wife Lori’s (Mathews) birthday he, of course, screws it up. Looking for the address of the cabin he’s reserved he goes into the wrong one and this leads him to be mistaken for the mysterious Man From Toronto (Harrelson). Now he has to keep up the charade in order to continue living.

What We Think: I hate this film. I hated this film with every fiber of my being. It isn’t funny. It’s just a straight-up old-hat sort of performance from Kevin Hart. I’m tired of watching his films and seeing every single character be the exact same. Harrelson is doing his Zombieland character basically. Who is this movie for? People with an IQ equivalent to their shoe size? It’s a dumb, stupid comedy that has NO redeeming qualities and NO rewatchability. Netflix just does this all the time. A predictable narrative, check. Annoying and irritating characters, check. BAD jokes, check. So why? Why would anyone wanna see this?

Our Grade: F, I was going to go with a D-, but said screw it this film is atrocious and not worth anyone’s time. If you choose to watch this just know that you’re gradually losing brain cells as it happens. I can not in good conscience recommend you watch this film. There’s nothing here for anyone. It’s one of 2022’s worst experiences. If you’ve seen one Kevin Hart film you’ve essentially seen them all and you’ve definitely seen this one. Just trust me when I say stay away from this action flop.

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