Title: Craig Quits His Day Job
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Director: Eric Paul Chapman
Starring: Garrett Titlebaum, Jordan Streussnig, Cindy Fernandez-Nixon
Runtime: 1 hr 20 mins

What It Is: Craig (Titlebaum) has just quit his deadend job. A job his boss Anna Maria (Fernanadez-Nixon) though he’d be a lifer at. Now he’s on a mission to prove he isn’t the only quitter in this world and to unite those who, like him, are tired of…something. Even if he’s struggling to get the ones in his neighborhood to cooperate. Along the way he’ll get to know his neighbor Grace (Streussnig) and probably fall in love with her too.

What We Think: This film, according to director Eric Paul Chapman cost $20,000. It looks better than that minscule budget. Chapman does a few things behind the lens that hide the thiriftiness. For one he utilizes settings that are, by and large, very private and small. An apartment, a hallway, an office. Even the exterior are shot tightly to keep too much from being revealed. Some of the acting is questionable but Garrett Titlebaum in the titular role is really good even when some of the jokes miss. Along the way you root for Craig, because of Titlebaum.

Our Grade: B-, For what this film is and how much it cost this is actually a VERY enjoyable film. I think you can find it on YouTube if you’re looking for an earnest look into some everyday people living their life and the guy who’s FINALLY tired of being stepped on. Solid recommendation for this comedy…even if it’s funny only most of the time. What I will say is that I love seeing someone make something even if it’s on a budget akin to a 3 year old mid-sized sedan. Let’s get more of those and less of Disney wasting the GDP of Romania on another mediocre Marvel film.

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