Title: The True Adventures of Wolfboy
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Martin Krejcí
Starring: Jaeden Martell, Sophie Giannamore, Eve Hewson
Runtime: 1 hr 28 mins

What It Is: Paul (Martell) is a young man suffering from a hereditary disease. One that leaves him covered head to toe in hair. It’s about to be his 13th birthday and life is, of course, not easy. His father Denny (Chris Messina) is doing his best as a single father since Paul’s mother left them. As he leaves home to try and find his mother after he’s given a map, sent from her, he’ll run into new friends and of course enemies.

What We Think: This is a family film perfect for everyone to go see together. Its message of inclusion for all is beautiful and perfectly balanced by Krejcí. He really does such a wonderful job of balancing everything. Narratively it’s a bit thin but it never feels so. It isn’t manipulative, in a way that something presented as such could be. Instead, there’s an earnest sincerity to it all. One that tugs at your chest and surprisingly left the Fantastic Fest crowd I saw it with slightly in tears. That’s no easy feat.

Our Grade: B+, A beautiful and timely story so well told. One of the things that I think truly helped this was lowered expectations. Instead of living up to those of simply being good enough it shattered what I’d previously expected. So much of this hinges on you getting what’s happening and understanding the message of inclusion. I highly recommend you check this one out when it’s available. As I understand it that’ll be sometime around 2020. Whenever that is you need to certainly see this and as I mentioned bring the damn tissues. There won’t be a dry eye in the building…except mine…because I’m dead inside mostly. Also, I’ve already seen it.

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