Title: Random Acts of Violence
MPAA Rating: Not Yet Rated
Director: Jay Baruchel
Starring: Jay Baruchel, Jordana Brewster, Jesse Williams
Runtime: 1 hr 20 mins

What It Is: Comic book writer/artist Todd Walkley (Williams) and his agent/best friend Ezra (Baruchel) are on a mini-tour to speak on the book he made. This controversial comic series is based on a real-life serial killer. This killer has a link to Todd whether he knows it or not. And as they drive through the area he’s notorious for hunting they’ll be in more danger than they know. Their lives are about to change.

What We Think: This movie is an absolute drivel. It’s not well-written or well-directed. Jay Baruchel strikes out big time with this one. It isn’t funny enough to fit the comedy category and the gore…somewhat off-putting, doesn’t work for the horror sensibilities I enjoy. Everything is much too easy when you look at the writing. Things happen becasue they’re supposed to rather then for the sake of the story. I didn’t like the acting particularly I felt Brewster was a waste. Here’s the problem there just isn’t much to say about this. It’s a sludge to get through. It’s only 80 mins but it feels longer then The Irishman actually is.

Our Grade: D+, One of my least favorite films of Fantastic Fest. I don’t know what I expected out of this. I suppose perhaps competent filmmaking? I didn’t get that. That might have been the biggest disappointment here. Jay Baruchel, buddy, next time maybe try something you can handle…or at the least find, or write, a better script. Skip this. I cannot recommend this film. It’s just not any good and sadly whatever you think of the above trailer/clip don’t bother with the 78 minutes and 30 seconds left on this. It’s anemic and toothless “horror” schlock.

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