Title: One Last Night
MPAA Rating: 
Not Rated
Anthony Sabet
Rachele Schank, Luke Brandon Field, Bryan Baumgartner
1 hr 24 mins

What It Is: Zoe (Schank) is on an internet date with Alex (Field) they meet at the movies. When they get there it’s a nightmare experience. The girl working there Taryn (Ali Corbin) is a real jerk, not even allowing them to buy popcorn or sodas because it’s “after 10 pm”. Once they get into the theater and start watching the film a loud and rude patron begins eating popcorn and drinking coke loudly. Where’d he even get those from? When they get out of the film they’re locked in together. Now they have to deal with a whole night of each other.

What We Think: Our two main cast members have decent chemistry but the levels of acting are very VERY different Rachele Shank gives a fun performance but her costar Luke Brandon Field is rocky at best. His first few line deliveries were highly questionable and I found it really frustrating. From a storytelling perspective, I firmly believe that the script was a bit clunky but that for the most part, everyone did what they could with the material. Technically speaking nothing too spectacular so meh on that.

Our Grade: C+, I can recommend this to all my peeps out there that like romantic comedies. Come for the interesting premise stay for a really good performance from our leading lady. She seems like a truly sweet woman and you can check out our interview with her. She was kind enough to give us ten minutes of her time. Hit her up on Instagram and Twitter @RacheleSchank and let her know you loved her interview with us! So a good performance and some fun dialogue should be enough to keep you engaged. Check this one out whenever it releases.

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