Title: The Nice Guys
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Shane Black
Starring: Russell Crowe, Ryan Gosling, Angourie Rice
Runtime: 1 hr 56 mins

What It Is: Jackson Healy (Crowe) is the kind of guy that gets the job done and right now his job is to keep private investigator Holland March (Gosling) away from Amelia (Margaret Qualley). March, however, is a man of conviction. He’s been paid to look into the disappearance of porn star Misty Mountains (Murielle Telio) and Amelia just so happens to be a person of interest in the case. Now as their path cross our two investigators may have to solve their case together.

What We Think: What a great and fun film. Shane Black does what he does. If you’ve ever seen any of his movies you kinda know what you’re in for here. It throws back to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang enough that fans of that movie will salivate at the thought of it. Gosling is killer in this and plays a very different role from anything we’ve seen. He’s a coward and a charlatan. At the same time, Crowe is great as well and totally works as the yin to Gosling’s yang. I’d also like to mention that young Angourie Rice is great. Very excited to see what she does next.

Our Grade: A-, I really really enjoyed this one! There’s going to be an obvious recommendation for anything that is this film. If I were to make a Top Ten for the first half of this year this film would be on it. I am of the belief that the release timing more so than anything hurt this film. You put this out in the crowded summer season with much bigger films like Captain America: Civil War and X-Men: Age of ApocalypseThis is the scope of the landscape as it currently is for this film. See the movie as soon as possible. It’s fun and it is great.

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