Title: 99 Homes
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Ramin Bahrani
Starring: Andrew Garfield, Michael Shannon, Laura Dern
Runtime: 1 hr 52 mins

What It Is: Following a slow period in the real estate market construction worker Dennis Nash (Garfield) is finding it hard to pay the bills chief among those is the mortgage on his childhood home. When it is foreclosed on by the bank real estate agent Rick Carver (Shannon) is now responsible for reselling this house. First he must take everything apart. To do so, he normally has workers like Nash help out. When he’s stuck with a particularly…well smelly situation Nash shows his work ethic this leads to a fruitful partnership with the man that had previously ruined his life.

What We Think: Michael Shannon is a freaking beast, man! This guy can literally do anything! Bahrani wrote and directs this thing with absolute confidence. As he should with a cast like this! Michael Shannon man, this guy turn the vile Carver into a character whose motives you understand, but for some reason, you don’t want to kill him. In fact, you want this guy to succeed. Perhaps that’s just me. There are things in this film that seem a bit unnatural, and those mostly stem from the script. Garfield likewise is great in this, and he continues to impress.

Our Grade: B+, This is quality filmmaking. Not only does Bahrani bring to the table great direction, but he brings out the real talent in his cast. One thing I loved was the tribute to Bahrani’s longtime friend Roger Ebert. What a fitting, and excellent film to dedicate to this man. I am obviously going to recommend everyone check this out! Michael Shannon just received a nomination for the Golden Globes. Let’s wish him luck by going to check out this film, as well as fitting him up on Twitter and such!

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