Review: The Cobbler


Title: The Cobbler
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Tom McCarthy
Starring: Adam Sandler, Steve Buscemi, Method Man
Runtime: 1 hr 38 mins

What It Is: Max Simkin’s comes from a long line of cobblers. His father and grandfather both part of that legacy. When a less then desirable customer (Method Man) comes in to get his shoes fixes (as you would from a cobbler) and when Max tries on this very nice pair of alligators he realizes that upon placing the shoes on he can inhabit the body of that person. It is this power that Max will use to try to make his home a better place to live.

What We Think: This is an abhorrent film. Not only is every character a cliche, but they are an offensive ones. Method Man is a caricature of the stereotypical chauvinistic “gangster” type, Sandler is more reserved for the most part, but with cliché trying to pass off as characters this is more schlock from the former SNL savant. Also of note why is Dustin Hoffman the go to Jewish dad character? The normally excellent Ellen Barkin portrays the protagonist whom we never get enough time to care about and whose exposition is sloppily handled. Melonie Diaz is this weird love interest/story arc character that neither adds to nor makes interesting the narrative.

Our Grade: D, Overall The Cobbler is a refreshing departure for Sandler (which prevents a failure) whose normally adolescent fair hasn’t been hitting with critics or audiences. I’m unsure why he chose such a display for his “talents” here but they’re wasted once again as he simply mopes about nervously just trying not to get caught without his shoes on. Instead he leaves the audience wishing that perhaps anyone else had filled theirs as they sat in the theater to watch this terrible film with nothing going for it.

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