
Show: Gotham
Title: Selina Kyle
Network: Fox
Airtime: Monday, 8pm PST
Starring: Ben Mackenzie, Donal Logue, Jada Pinkett-Smith

What It Is: Following last weeks shocking events which include Det. Gordon “killing” Oswald Cobblepott we begin this episode on a grungy street on Gotham where homeless kids are gathered among them is Selina Kyle or “Cat” as she’s known probably do to her cat like agility, and ability to disappear without a trace. These homeless children are being abducted for some reason, and Cat has only barely escaped capture. Meanwhile, Fish Mooney is having to deal with her mistakes she’s made with mob boss Carmine Falcone.

What We Think: This was even better then last week. Cobblepott’s angle truly adds an awesome niche and a darker tone. A little disappointed we didn’t see “The Dollmaker” who was eluded to as he is a terrifying villain from a visual standpoint. Let me just say, you know your casting well when you have Lili Taylor in a small supporting role. I think Jada Pinkett-Smith tends to overact for the role. Donal Logue totally wins the week with his phone book spiel in the holding cell. We also got a bit of a look into Bruce Wayne’s post traumatic brooding, though being that he’s a child it isn’t so much brooding as it is being a weird kid.

Our Grade: A-, I’m really intrigued by where this show can go and how it’s going to get there, and isn’t that the point. Fox will hopefully not do what it tends to do with it’s science fiction properties and cut the cord on it before it truly has time to stretch it’s legs. I’m still of the belief that they’ve made some excellent casting decisions and everyone they’ve put in place thus far has been pitch perfect. What do you guys think? Do you agree with what Gotham  is doing or do you find it not so good? Let us know either below or on Twitter we’d love to hear it!

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