Title: Inside Llewyn Davis
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Joel and Ethan Coen
Starring: Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan, Justin Timberlake
Runtime: 1 hr 45 mins

What It Is: The year is 1961 and we are placed in Greenwich Village, New York City in stage is Llewyn Davis (Isaac), a young man trying to make ends meet by pouring his heart out over guitar strings. He does so one couch at a time. One particular couch that he favors is that belonging to Jim Berkey (Timberlake), however it more then just that fine piece of furniture he’s after. You see Llewyn is having an affair with Jim’s wife Jean (Mulligan) who pretty much loathes him entirely because of it. 
What We Think: Absolutely great film from the era folk tunes, to the original song “Please, Mr. Kennedy” there isnt a whole lot not to love here. In addition to getting great music and stunning performances we get an emotional roller coaster ride out of Llewyn, who is just trying to get his shit together. It’s just everytime Llewyn thinks things are headed his way they are instead making a beeline into the sewer. At points we feel, bad, and sorry for Llewyn while in other moments we feel like this dick had it coming.
Our Grade: A-, Isaac got an Oscar nomination, and deservedly so he carries this film on his shoulders along with the weight of this incredible character. He’s one you’ll root for despite his obviously flaws. Kudos to Timberlake who plays his part delightfully square making Jim’s oblivousness to his wifes affair more realistic, and puts major heat on Llewyn from a character standpoint, because gee gosh Jim’s sucha nice guy!

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