mi·rage [mi-rahzh] noun. – 1. an optical phenomenon, especially in the desert or at sea, by which the image of some object appears displaced above, below, or to one side of its true position as a result of spatial variations of the index of refraction of air.

2. something illusory, without substance or reality.

3. Final Destination 5

For the fifth time, Final Destination refuses to be…well, final. We all thought The Final Destination was going to be the actual finale of the suspense/horror franchise, but to no avail. Steven Quale has taken the reigns from the preceding two directors, James Wong and David Ellis and added a little bit of a twist.

One thing that I,m personally, believe is that the franchise has increasingly gotten worse, year by year. However, the numbers at the box ofice have been considered, “success”.

This Final Destination stars Nicholas D’Agosto. You may have seen him co-starring with Eric Christian Olsen and Sarah Roemer in the 2009 cheerleader comedy, Fired Up! D’Agosto plays, “Sam” the man with a vision. The vision? A bridge collapsing. Of course, his premonition makes some believe him and some NOT believe him….what would you do?

The bridge collapses, the survivors have now cheated death once, but must do it again. Once again, we will have to sit through an hour and a half of teenagers and middle aged adults falling to deaths knees and begging for forgiveness, in the most outrageous ways. You could say it’s Saw‘s younger brother, or a mini-marathon of 1,000 Ways to Die. Whatever you decide to settle on, I firmly believe that Final Destinatio 5 will be a mirage.


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